Saturday, June 16, 2012

I concurred

Today was epic and it's on 1050 in the morning. I wanted to get some sweating in this morning because I'm going out for lunch and dinner. Not the ideal meal plan but it happens. Fortunately I don't have groceries do it was well timed in that respect. But I didn't want to truck it all the way to work out world. Since now it's really not convenient. Even the one in Cambridge is on the other side of Cambridge. Can't wait to start crossfit ing again cause that is close.... .3mls I will be walking. But I've been so busy lately I thought I'd hold off a little on that one. Anyway. So I figured I'd try running. Now that I live one block from the charles. And I will say it was great. I was nervous about how far I'd be able to go. But I left the house armed with iPod, and interval timer.

Initially I set the timer to 30 seconds and 2 min. Figuring I'd go 30 seconds and then rest for 2. I definitely underestimated myself. I ended up going the two min and resting 30 seconds. For about 10 intervals. I switched back to the original plan after that for a few and then stopped. So I think I was going for about 30 min all together. I did the JFK bridge to the river at bridge once with another loop most of the western ave to JFK bridges. I'm going to look up how far that is when I get home. But it actually felt good... For a large portion of it.. Now my IT bands are screaming. But I'm happy about it. And feel like

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