Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanks and Labels

Happy Day after thanksgiving. 

I know I have lots to be thankful *this marks the one year anniversary of my cancer i know it could be a great deal worse.  I am thankful for the good fortune and downright luck I've had in that regard because it could have been a great deal worse.

my family - i love them, i hate them but they are still my family and I'm thankful for a family that I know cares deeply for me.  Even if I don't always like the way that they do it.

my girlfriend -  Its been a long time since I felt the love and caring of another person and I'm so thankful to have found a wonderful person that I feel so deeply for even this early in the relationship. 

Yesterday also marked the fourth year that I ran the Gobble Gobble Gobble race in Davis Square.  It was great.  I did 4 miles in 43:03 min.  Which was well below my goal of 45 min.  I didn't set too high a goal for myself because I have been so stiff lately.  And had gone to crossfit two days in a row.  So my hips and knees were not too happy to be moving.  But I did well and it wasn't even that bad during.   So score one for me. 

Then we, the holm family, went to my aunts house in west newton.  and had our usual low key lunch thanksgiving.  The best part of the meal is actually after because we all inevitably end up looking at the black Friday deals.  Its kind of fun and definitely a tradition. We also finish early enough that you don't have to feel gross going to bed and you get home at a nice hour.  Its very relaxing, shown by the fact I went to bed at about 930pm. 

Today I've been realizing my immediate family is very concerned with labels.  Possibly because I'm about to go on a long trip I've had girlfriend on the brain since we will be out of touch for the longest amount of time since we started seeing eachother (over 3 months ago)  But anyway...what I'm referring to is my sexuality.  My parents are concerned that if I classify myself as something people will get confused.  Where as I think the word bi-sexual.  Which works for pretty clear.  Attracted to women and men and currently dating a women.  I am quickly coming to the conclusion most people don't care about your sexuality in this day and age because it doesn't really effect them...and there is so many out and proud people.  My family is so concerned with what people will think that basically the parental's want me to live in the closet.  Which i'm not going to do.  Granted I don't know what the future holds...but no one does and I'm attracted to women and dating women.  Enough said....I wish they would just get over it.  Whats the big deal with labels anyway? 

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