Thursday, January 9, 2014

Looking forward and looking back

01jan 14

So New Years naturally brings about some amount of reflection and resolutions.  What was the year like, what did I learn and what do I want to work to change for next year... Also how am I spending the last day of the year.   All very important, or at least noteworthy questions. 

Let's start with the easy one, New Year's Eve... What did I do? 
First I got very dolled up, new bra and everything ( is that an overshare... Don't care) 

Mirror selfie not withstanding, I was looking pretty cute... This was because Ben invited me to a party held at his friend Daniel's house.  I was pretty excited to actually have something to do and knew it would be a good time. We took the T over (Daniels house is near symphony hall) which meant I managed not freeze. There was lots of fun, a midnight count down, and trip to roof. Staying up way later then I ever like, accompanied by Dunkin donuts coffee in the morning.  All in all a pretty good way I ring in the new year. 

Moving on, how was 2013? 

Overall 2013 was a pretty good year. With every passing year I become more confident a self assured so that is always a  good thing.  Let's divert to bullets for time
- ran Disney princess marathon with laurel (which now that I'm thinking about it I sort of forgot that was this year. ) 
- decided to take the plunge and do yoga teacher training... Starting jan 2014
- went to Wanderlust Austin in November. It was an amazing time, full of good yoga and good people. 
- actually went to Florida twice... Again, not including the Disney trip... Lots of Florida this year I guess. 
- cooked most of thanksgiving dinner (minus the turkey and dessert ) 
- learned to row on the water and rowed in my first race
- started rock climbing, and LOVE it
-started hiking again 

so what initially started as it was a slow year is clearly not the case.  I've definitely done some stuff this year.  So go me.... I mean even when it feels like a slow year it clearly was a pretty good and eventful year.  And here is to the next year being even more full of adventures and self discovery. 

Looking forward?  Whats the plan for 2014?  

In terms of stuff to do, I don't have anything planned for this year yet.  But i have determined at least a few things I want to work on.  I mean its always good to work on ourselves.   The first is continuing to accept myself for who I am.  I think I'm tons better then I used to be, but still think its something to work on.  2013 had many instances where I recognized I was undervaluing myself in one why or another.  SO this year I will be working to not do that.  Because I am awesome...its my blog, i can say that... 

The second sort of goes along with that, and can be summed up in one word calm.  What does that mean?  I'm going to work on my internal anxiety.  I have realized in 2013 that alot of my anxiety was wrapped up in my thoughts about what I thought people thought of me... confused yet, so since that is almost always completely FALSE.  I am going to work to release those thoughts from my head and not let my head plan tricks on me to increase my anxiety.    I act like I'm invisible because I expect people not to notice me, so when they don't because I act invisible its a self fulfilling prophecy.  Soooo lets cut the anxiety and let my voice be heard...because its a damn good voice, cussing and all 

I'll leave you with one of my favorite songs of this year... that has pretty much completely amazing lyrics 

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