Saturday, February 4, 2012

Weather patterns

Today was a good day.  I went ICE SKATING!!! with the AOPi alums.  It was fun largely because I did not fall and my feet are only slightly worse for wear.  Which is good since of course the last time I went was likely um...10th grade. So its been awhile.  Additionally of course it was nice to get out of the house and see people.  I think one of the hardest things lately has been that I'm exhausted ALL the time.   So I don't do much after work and going to the doctors.  I feel like I've been stuck under a rock for awhile, for a good reason.  It was good to spend the day out and about with some lovely ladies.  I tried a new burger place, or new to me as well.  4 Burger.  VERY TASTY.  Any place that does a grass fed beef burger is ok in my book.

When I got home, I did what has become the daily ritual of examining my bald spots.  And of course they are getting bigger.  I'm so glad that I did shave it because at least the hair just comes out as fuzz.  Its not nasty and stringy.  just really really really ITCHY!  I've been spraying Aveda toner on my head to help with the moisturizer problems.  Not patchy enough  get it one there now though.  I don't want to feel gloppy either.  But in examining the head I've decided my hair growth patterns is nuts.  I knew I had cowlicks, but HOLY SHIT.  I never imaged they were as ridiculous as they are.  I mean hello hair tornado.   I'm actually forever in dept-ed to all the people I've gotten hair cuts from because the fact is the top of my head grows in like 4 directions and the fact I ever looked good is a miracle of god. 
So lets just say, hair dressers out there.  I salute you!

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